
Geography & Climate

Balod has an average elevation of 324 metres (1063 feet) above Mean Sea Level, It has a Tropical wet and dry or savanna climate. Balod is located at 20.73 degree North and 81.2 degree East.


The average rainfall in the district is 1089.8mm, but it is generally less towards north-east, south-west. About 93% of the total annual rainfall occurs in the months of June to September.

River And Drainage System

Balod is a town at the bank of river Tandula, is formally known as District headquarter. Adjoining to the district headquarter there is Tandula(Adamabad) dam built on river Sukha and Tandula in 1912. The Tandula dam along with the Kharkhara and Gondli dams are the main source of irrigation in this district.